A bit about me

Currently a 3rd year Creative Media and Game Technologies student at Breda University of Applied Sciences.

My dream is to someday be at the heart of a studio that brings joy and entertainment through games to people all over the world. However, through the magic of programming, I would like to develop and be part of the new era of technologies that will have the potential to bring everyone together.

My biggest passion is of course programming, however, a close second is reading. Whether it will be sci-fi or "Physics-Based Animation", I am always drawn to the inifinite worlds of books. It is an understatement to say that I love learning new things every day, and books allow me to do exactly that.


Sunset Engine

A huge work in progress!

A multi-threaded engine built with Rust and WebGPU that runs both natively and on the web. Click below to try it out!

DISCLAIMER! Needs to be opened in a browser that supports WebGPU (Edge or Chrome are the ones I know of)


Perry Engine

"The best custom engine game we have seen at BUAS so far!" - BUAS teaching staff.

I worked on the general engine structure and API. In addition, I contributed to the asset manager, level loader through LDtk, serialization using entt meta and procedural animations (joints, links and IK solvers). In the last phase of its development, we had to make an actual game with a team of no less than 18 people (8 programmers, 5 designers and 5 artists). In that team I was appointed as a Programming Lead based on my experience with the codebase and ability to manage, relate and help people nomatter their expertise and field.



A small software rasterizer built with Rust.

This is a project that I worked on during the Rasterization Masterclass at BUAS. It is capable of loading 3D models (in separate threads as well), texture loading, Rasterization of models with textures.

I cannot even begin to explain how much I learned for the short time the masterclass lasted. That was my first introduction to Rust and it immediately got me hooked on it.


Erupt Engine

A small Vulkan engine that I did on the side for the first 2 months of the 2nd school year

Capable of loading and rendering 3D models, rendering multiple point lights, resizable window, and (almost working) ImGui :)
